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Events - 2015

​12.04.15 | Annual Holiday Party


The RAI family gathered to celebrate the holidays with spirited dancing and the traditional white elephant gift exchange.

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Alex Rolluda Keynote Speaker at AFEW Gala | Association of Filipino-American Engineers of Washington


Alex was selected as the keynote speaker for the 22nd Anniversary Celebration of the Association of Filipino-American Engineers of Washington. Alex reflected on “lessons learned” through his experience as a business owner, and the firm’s bright future ahead.


AFEW is a local organization in the State of Washington that promotes camaraderie and teamwork among fellow professionals. Their goal is to integrate experience and expertise in the realm of engineering and technology towards supporting their community here and throughout the world.

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Rolluda Architects Featured in NOAA Newsletter for Predesign Charette | NOAA Western Regional Center


On November 17th, a predesign charrette was conducted by Rolluda Architects to begin concept development for a pilot project to better manage storm water at NOAA's Western Regional Center (WRC). This initiative was funded by a Green Grant that was matched by OCAO. This important environmental initiative will address improvements to WRC storm water systems, reduce surface water utility fees imposed by the City of Seattle, and augment efforts to restore shoreline along the campus. Improved water quality and shoreline management are part of the larger effort to implement sustainable business practices at WRC.


10.30.15 | Halloween Party


The RAI team gathered for our annual Halloween party, potluck lunch, and costume contest.



Philippines Business Mission Forum: the Philippines Economy


Hosted By: Filipino Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific NorthwestTrade Development Alliance of Greater SeattleSeattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce


With Support From: Washington State Department of CommerceNational Center for APECPuget Sound Regional CouncilThe Philippine Embassy in Washington, DC; The Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco


The Economy of the Philippines is the 39th largest in the world, according to 2014 International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistics, as well as one of the emerging markets. The Philippines is considered a newly industrialized country which has been transitioning from agriculture to services and manufacturing. In 2014 the GDP was estimated to be $692 billion (by purchasing power parity). The population of the Philippines is about 110 million, the majority of whom are highly educated and fluent in English.

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King County Executive's Small Business Awards | King County


Rolluda Architects was selected as one of four finalists for the King County Minority-Owned Small Business of the Year Award, presented by King County Executive Dow Constantine.

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08.29.15 | Annual BBQ at Lake Cavanaugh


RAI gathered in late August for its annual bbq at Lake Cavanaugh, courtesy of longtime friend and former RAI team member Maury Hagen.

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Annual Golf Tournament | Filipino Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific Northwest (FCCPNW)


Alex Rolluda, Alex Clark, and Nestor Marquez turned out for the FCCPNW's annual golf tournament. This year the tournament was held at the Golf Club at Echo Falls in Snohomish.


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