Events - 2016
​12.10.16 | Annual Holiday Party
The RAI family gathered to celebrate the holidays with amazing food and the traditional white elephant gift exchange.
St. Edward School 8th Graders Visit UW | University of Washington
On November 21, 2016 the South Seattle-based St. Edward School 8th graders visited the University of Washington College of Architecture, Suzzallo Library, and the Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center. The trip was organized by the AIA Seattle Chapter Diversity Round Table—Architects in School Program. Alex Rolluda, who is involved in the program, joined the students for their visit. The focus of the program is to provide exposure, guidance, and awareness of the design profession to young minority students and to encourage them to follow a career in Architecture. The team of Architects visits the school twice a month and engages in exercises, lectures, and site visits. The culmination is a project for the school.

Rolluda Architects presents at Sound Transit Lynnwood Link Light Rail Open House | City of Shoreline
Sound Transit hosted three public meetings in November 2016 to present the latest designs for three of the Lynnwood Link light rail extension stations. On November 16th, RAI presented the NE 185th Street Station design with Kathi Williams and Christine Scharrer of Scharrer AD at Shoreline City Hall. The 30 percent design open house in Shoreline offered a chance for the community to provide feedback on station designs, station names, public art, and other station-related projects.

10.31.16 | Halloween Party
The RAI team gathered for our annual Halloween party, complete with a potluck lunch and costume contest.

Seattle Design Festival Block Party Installation 2016 | the house of [ex]CHANGE
In 2016 RAI assembled a team of dedicated and creative design professionals to volunteer their time and expertise for the Seattle Design Festival Block Party. The event took place in Occidental Square on September 10th and 11th of 2016.
Rolluda Architects believes that good design should enhance the environment, the community, and ultimately improve people’s lives. RAI has been part of the Pioneer Square community since 1996 and has seen the transformation of the neighborhood over the last 20 years. RAI feels strongly that one of the biggest issues facing Seattle is the increase in homelessness, due in part to a lack of affordable housing and increasing economic inequality. The firm feels that the homeless shelter projects have an important impact, but they are just one part of the solution. As a first step, the firm created a space of awareness and compassion through participation, interaction, and connection between the homeless and “homeplus” populations.
The installation itself was a lightweight interactive wood frame structure that promoted breaking down social barriers in our community. RAI anticipates using the entire 10′ x 10′ footprint allocated for the program or installation in Occidental Square. This could include translucent and reflective surfaces that encourage self/community reflection.

Annual Golf Tournament | Filipino Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific Northwest (FCCPNW)
Nestor Marquez represented RAI in FCCPNW's annual golf tournament. This year the tournament was held at the Golf Club at Redmond Ridge.

08.05.16 | Picnic at Lake Washington
RAI gathered at Lake Washington for a company picnic with friends and family

07.23.16 | Annual Camping Trip
The RAI family ventured to Salt Creek Recreation Area and Tongue Point along the northern side of the Olympic Peninsula for the company's annual camping trip.

06.29.16 | Night at the Mariners
Baseball fans gathered to watch the Mariners play at home.

03.12.16 | Ski Day
The RAI team gathered at Stevens Pass for our annual ski day.

Playing Card Event 2016 | Notkin Mechanical Engineers
On February, 25th 2016, RAI joined 53 other Pacific Northwest design firms at Benaroya Hall to present our Joker Card interpretation as part of Notkin Engineers Playing Card Event. The event occurs just once every 25 years and includes 54 firms randomly assigned one card from a playing deck. The goal is to re-imagine the cards graphically.
RAI’s design philosophy emphasizes collaboration and active participation of every member of the design team. When Notkin announced that our team received the Joker card, we felt honored to wear the jester hat and tell the story of unique and entertaining architecture of the Pacific Northwest. We began by examining the history of the Joker: “originating in the US during its Civil War, the card is unique in that it lacks an industry-wide standard appearance. Created as a trump card…it may function as a wild card.” The team reflected on a few unique architectural pieces of the Pacific Northwest, noting the Hat and Boot of Oxbow park (formerly a gas station restroom), the Twin Tee-Pee’s of Aurora Ave, the “Blob” of Queen Anne which cycled through various business owners, and finally the iconic signage of the Elephant Car Wash on Denny Way. Ivar Haglund became the face of the Rolluda card, given his silly penchant for feeding the seagulls. Finally, we layered various Joker-esque images to create the final wild card!