Filipino Community Village Senior Housing
human good | beacon development
Rolluda Architects provided a master plan for the construction of a new Community Center/Service complex in South Seattle, adjacent to the Rainier Valley and Beacon Hill neighborhoods. We provided programming and design sessions with the various organizations and lay citizens from the community. We used inclusive and interactive exercises in order to engage FCS constituents, keep them informed and provide them ownership of the process and design.
The Village will be an expansion on the current Filipino Community Center of Seattle that has been providing health and social services since 1935. This pioneering model integrates the culturally specific social service agency with affordable housing units for seniors and a safe learning environment for youth.
The site is across the alley from the existing Filipino Community Center. The current proposal is for a five-story low-income senior housing project with parking and a learning center. The goal is to functionally and aesthetically integrate the new building with the existing community center. The project includes a gross floor area of approximately 87,500 sf (71,000 sf residential, 5,000 sf learning center and 9,800 sf parking).
Type: Housing + Community/Cultural Client: Human Good / Beacon Development
Location: Seattle, WA Project Lead: Robert Hale
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