North City Pump Station
north city water district
This new 3,200 sf pump station includes toilet facilities, electrical control rooms, chemical treatment area, and overhead crane for installation and removal of pumps as necessary.
The project is visible to a residential community, therefore it was critical to provide a thoughtful, aesthetic design to complement the neighborhood. Covered entrances, split-face CMU, and ground-face CMU helped make the building less utilitarian. Materials and colors were developed in concert with the District’s Administration and Telecom Buildings.
The primary goal of the project was to update and increase pumping capacity and redundancy for service to three of the District’s six pressure zones. The new pump station increases the reliability of water supply to District customers while reducing the chance that system failures and/or emergency conditions will result in water quality and public health issues.
There were some unusual constraints in designing the North City Pump Station. The existing pump station had to remain in operation while a much larger pump station was built on the same small site. There were also cellular facilities for every major cellular carrier in the region that had to be accessible at all times. Therefore, extensive construction sequencing constraints were implemented that allowed both stations to coexist and provided access for cellular companies at all times.
The pump station was constructed in an acoustically challenged residential area and is notable for its sensitive scaling of interior work and environment.
Type: Industrial + Municipal Client: North City Water District (NCWD)
Location: Shoreline, WA Project Lead: Donn Stone
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