Press - 2017
Plans for New Community Village Give Filipino Seniors Renewed Hope | Seattle Weekly
The city announced more than $100 million in investments for affordable housing units Monday.

Seattle to Spend $100 Million on Affordable Housing | The Seattle Times
Mayor Durkan delivered remarks at the Filipino Community Center in Rainier Valley, where nearly $11 million will help the nonprofit construct more than 90 apartments in a building for low-income seniors, with a space for youth programs on the ground floor.

Mayor Jenny Durkan’s Press Conference at Filipino Community Center | Seattle Channel
Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announces Monday that her administration will spend $100 million in affordable housing investments – including nine new apartment buildings and two affordable homeownership sites – in neighborhoods throughout the city.

Alex Rolluda Serves as a Panelist at the WA Small Business Fair | Washington Small Business Fair
Alex Rolluda was selected by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Seattle District Office, to be a panelist for the 21st annual Washington Small Business Fair held at Renton Technical College. The purpose of the panel discussion, titled “Small Business Ownership: Tips for Success,” was to assist individuals thinking about forming their own small businesses and to answer questions from the attendees.

RAI Takes Top Honors: SBA 2017 8(a) Graduate of the Year | U.S. Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 2017 Washington 8(a) Graduate of the Year is Rolluda Architects in Seattle. Founded in 2002, Rolluda Architects offers a wide range of design services to a broad array of clients throughout the local, state and federal government, as well as companies throughout the private sector.
The company successfully graduated from the 8(a) business development program which helps small, disadvantaged business compete in the federal contracting marketplace.
Meet the Consultants: Rolluda Architects | Washington State Convention Center Addition
Rolluda Architects is participating in the WSCC Addition project as a “visiting professional” with LMN and is co-locating in LMN’s office for this work. This teaming arrangement is in support of helping to meet DBE Outreach Goals established by the WSCC board.
Image courtesy of LMN Architects

RAI New Hires of 2017 | Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce
08.23.17 | Farzana Ahmadi, Matt Purvis, and Brett Barbakoff
08.09.17 | Shawn Queen
04.12.17 | Dennis Glynn, Mark McCarter, and Conrado Moran